Successful social media tactics for real estate agents

Successful social media tactics for real estate agents

Perch Team
June 18, 2024
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In the digital era, social media has become an indispensable tool for real estate agents. By using social media correctly, agents can not only significantly expand their reach, but also make targeted contact with potential buyers and sellers. In this post, we'll highlight successful social media tactics that help you move your real estate deals forward.

Importance of social media for real estate agents

Social media platforms offer a unique opportunity to interact directly with a large and diverse target group. According to a study by Statista, over 4.5 billion people worldwide used social media in 2023, and this number is constantly growing. For real estate agents, this means huge potential to promote real estate offers, strengthen their brand and maintain customer relationships.

Choosing the right platforms

It's important to identify the platforms that are most relevant to your target audience. Here are some of the leading social media platforms for real estate agents:

  • Facebook: With its diverse features, including Facebook Marketplace and targeted ads, Facebook is ideal for detailed real estate ads and community building.
  • Instagram: This platform is perfect for visually appealing content, such as photos and videos of real estate. Instagram Stories and Reels offer creative ways to present your offerings.
  • LinkedIn: Particularly useful for the B2B sector to network with other professionals and demonstrate your expertise in the real estate market.
  • YouTube: An excellent platform for longer video content, such as virtual tours and real estate presentations.

Successful tactics

1. High-quality visual content

Visual content is at the heart of every successful social media strategy for real estate agents. Professional photos and videos are essential to attract the attention of potential buyers. Drone footage and 3D visualizations can make your real estate offers even more impressive.

Quote: “A picture is worth a thousand words, but a video can tell a whole story.” — Unknown

2. Regular and consistent postings

Consistency is key to success on social media. Schedule regular posts to keep your followers constantly engaged and informed. Use tools like Hootsuite or Buffer to plan and publish your posts in advance.

3. Interactive content

Use interactive content to increase engagement. Ask your followers for their opinion, conduct surveys, or start Q&A sessions. Live streams and virtual tours can also promote a high interaction rate.

4. Targeted advertising

Use the advertising options offered by the platforms to target potential buyers and sellers. Facebook and Instagram offer comprehensive targeting options that allow you to target your ads to specific demographics, interests, and behaviors.

5. Engagement and community building

Respond to comments and messages in a timely and friendly manner. Building a community is critical to creating trust and loyalty. Use social media to build a relationship with your followers and position your brand as a trustworthy and accessible real estate agent.

6. Storytelling

Tell stories about your real estate. People love hearing stories, and by telling stories, you can build an emotional connection with your potential buyers. Share background information about the property, special features, or success stories from happy buyers.

7. Analytics and optimization

Use the platforms' analytics tools to monitor and analyze the performance of your posts. Understand which content works best and why. Continuously adjust your strategy to improve your results.

Success stories

Case study 1: A real estate agent in Zurich used Instagram to share high-quality photos and short videos of exclusive properties. By using Instagram stories and targeted hashtags, he was able to significantly increase his reach and sell several luxury properties more quickly.

Case study 2: A real estate agency in Geneva set live streams on Facebook to offer virtual tours. This enabled international buyers to view properties in real time and ask questions directly to the agent, resulting in a higher closing rate.


Social media is a powerful tool for real estate agents to expand their reach, increase engagement, and ultimately get more sales. By using high-quality visual content, regular and consistent postings, interactive content, targeted advertising, engagement and community building, storytelling, and analytics and optimization, you can successfully implement your social media strategy. Stay flexible and continuously adapt your tactics to the changing trends and needs of your target group to be successful in the long term.