The Best Real Estate Marketing Strategies for 2024

The Best Real Estate Marketing Strategies for 2024

Perch Team
June 18, 2024
5 min read
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The real estate sector is subject to constant change, and 2024 once again brings exciting developments and trends. In an increasingly digital and connected world, it is becoming increasingly important for real estate companies to develop and implement innovative marketing strategies in order to remain competitive. This article highlights the best real estate marketing strategies for 2024 and gives you a comprehensive overview of how you can optimize your marketing efforts.

Real estate marketing is an essential part of success for realtors, project developers and real estate companies. It covers a variety of techniques and approaches, from traditional methods such as print advertising and open-house events to cutting-edge digital solutions such as 3D visualizations and big data analytics. The focus of this article is on the latest trends and best practices that help you effectively reach your target audience and sell your properties faster and on better terms.

The aim of this article is to provide you with valuable insights and practical tips that you can apply directly in your company. Whether you're an experienced real estate professional or a newcomer to the industry, the strategies presented here will help you take your marketing efforts to the next level and successfully position yourself in the competition.

Dive into the world of modern real estate marketing and discover how you can maximize your business results with the best strategies for 2024.

Trend 1: Digital Marketing

In 2024, digital marketing remains a central pillar of successful real estate marketing strategies. The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and it's critical to keep up with the latest trends and techniques to maximize the visibility and appeal of your real estate listings. Here are the three main areas of digital marketing that you should incorporate into your strategy:

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential to ensure that your real estate websites and content appear prominently in search results for relevant searches. An effective SEO strategy includes:

  • KKeyword research: Identify the keywords and phrases that potential buyers and tenants use when they search for properties.
  • On-page optimization: Make sure your web pages are optimally structured, including the use of meta tags, alt texts for images, and a clear URL structure.
  • Content creation: Create high-quality, informative content that is relevant to your target audience and is regularly updated.
  • Backlink building: Increase your website's authority by building high-quality backlinks from trustworthy websites.

content marketing

Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to inform and retain potential customers. By providing valuable content, you can arouse the interest of your target group and position yourself as an expert in the real estate industry. Key aspects of content marketing include:

  • Blog posts and articles: Regular publications on current topics, market analyses and tips on buying and selling real estate.
  • E-books and white papers: In-depth resources that provide comprehensive insights and analysis.
  • Infographics and visual content: Graphical representations of complex information that are easy to understand and appealing.
  • Videos and webinars: Visual and interactive formats that create a personal connection with your target group.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising allows you to target potential customers and achieve immediate visibility. Key platforms for PPC advertising include Google Ads and social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. To get the most out of your PPC campaigns, consider the following:

  • Targeted ads: Use precise targeting options to target your ads to specific demographics, interests, and geographic locations.
  • A/B testing: Try out different ad variants to see which messages and designs work best.
  • Budget management: Monitor and optimize your budgets to ensure you get the best ROI for your spending.
  • Conversion tracking: Implement tracking tools to measure the success of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions.

Trend 2:3D visualizations and virtual reality

With advancing technology, options for presenting real estate are also developing. 3D visualizations and virtual reality (VR) are powerful tools that are becoming increasingly important in the real estate industry. These technologies enable potential buyers and tenants to experience real estate in an innovative and immersive way, even before the first physical visit takes place.

Using 3D visualizations

3D visualizations are photorealistic representations of real estate that make it possible to present both existing and planned buildings in detail. They offer a wide range of benefits:

  • Detailed presentation: 3D visualizations show real estate with the highest precision, from architecture to interior design. This accuracy helps potential buyers get a clear picture of the property.
  • Presentation flexibility: Changes to the design or furnishings can be made quickly and easily, which is particularly advantageous for projects that are still under construction.
  • Improved marketing materials: High-quality 3D images and animations can be used in brochures, websites and social media to generate interest and present the property in the best light.

Benefits of virtual reality (VR) tours

Virtual reality (VR) goes a step further and provides an immersive experience that makes potential buyers feel like they're actually walking through the property. The benefits of VR tours include:

  • Spatial experience: VR tours enable users to understand the layout and dimensions of the property better than through traditional photos or videos.
  • Visits independent of time and location: Interested parties can view the property anytime and from anywhere, which is particularly beneficial for international buyers or people with busy schedules.
  • Increased commitment: VR tours offer an interactive and fascinating way to present a property, which increases the engagement and interest of potential buyers.

Integrate 3D and VR into your marketing strategy

To exploit the full potential of 3D visualizations and VR tours, real estate companies should strategically integrate these technologies into their marketing:

  • On your website: Offer 3D visualizations and VR tours directly on your website to give visitors an instant and impressive way to explore your properties.
  • On social media: Use platforms like Facebook and Instagram to share short teaser videos and interactive content that highlights your 3D and VR experiences.
  • At trade fairs and events: Use VR glasses at real estate fairs and other events to give potential customers an immersive and memorable experience.
  • In your communication: Use 3D visualizations and VR tours in email campaigns and digital exposés to increase interest and conversion rates.

Trend 3: Social media marketing

Social media will remain one of the most important platforms for real estate marketing in 2024. Social media is an indispensable tool for real estate companies due to its enormous reach and diverse opportunities to get in touch with potential buyers and tenants. Here are some of the most effective strategies and practices to consider in your social media marketing:

Platforms and their importance

Choosing the right social media platforms is crucial for the success of your marketing strategy. Each platform has its own strengths and target groups:

  • Facebook: Ideal for detailed real estate listings that are intended to reach a broad target group. Use Facebook Marketplace and targeted ads to maximize your reach.
  • Instagram: Perfect for visually appealing content, such as real estate photos and videos. Instagram Stories and Reels offer dynamic ways to present your offers.
  • LinkedIn: Particularly useful for the B2B sector to connect with other professionals and potential investors. Share market analysis and industry news to showcase your expertise.
  • YouTube: An excellent platform for longer video content, such as virtual tours and real estate presentations. Create a channel to post new content regularly.

Social media content strategies

A successful social media presence requires a well-thought-out content strategy. Here are a few tips for creating engaging content:

  • Visual content: High-quality photos and videos are a must. Use professional photography and 3D visualizations to present your properties in the best light.
  • Interactive content: Use features like surveys, Q&A sessions, and live streams to directly engage with your audience and drive engagement.
  • Tell stories: Tell stories about your properties, such as renovation projects, upcoming open houses or customer success stories.
  • User-generated content: Encourage happy customers to share their experiences and value your properties. This creates trust and authenticity.

Performance measurement and analysis

Analyzing and measuring the success of your social media activities is crucial to continuously improve your strategy. Here are a few key points:

  • Set KPIs: Define clear key performance indicators (KPIs), such as reach, engagement rate, click-through rate (CTR), and conversion rate.
  • Use analytics tools: Use each platforms' analytics tools to gain insights into how your posts are performing and identify trends.
  • Get feedback: Listen to feedback from your followers and adjust your strategy accordingly. What works well? What could be improved?
  • A/B testing: Test different types of content and ads to see which ones resonate best with your audience.

Tips for success

To get the most out of your social media marketing, consider these additional tips:

  • Regularity: Post new content regularly to keep your followers engaged and increase your visibility.
  • Authenticity: Be authentic and transparent in your communication. Show off the human side of your company
  • Use trends: Stay up to date with the latest trends and developments on social media and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  • Collaboration with influencers: Collaborate with influencers and opinion leaders in the real estate industry to increase your reach and credibility.

Trend 4: Personalization and customer experience

In a world where customers are becoming increasingly demanding, personalization plays a crucial role in real estate marketing. Through tailored experiences and targeted communication, you can significantly improve the customer experience and increase customer satisfaction.

Importance of personalization

Personalization in real estate marketing means presenting customers with exactly the information and offers that meet their individual needs and preferences. This can be achieved through various techniques:

  • Data analysis: Collect and analyze data about your customers' behavior and preferences. This can be done through website analytics, CRM systems, and social media.
  • Segmentation: Break down your audience into specific segments based on criteria such as demographics, buying behavior, and interests.
  • Personalized content: Create tailored content that is tailored to the needs and interests of different segments.

Techniques to improve customer experience

An outstanding customer experience can make the difference between a successful and a failed sales process. Here are a few techniques to improve the customer experience:

  • Personalized communication: Use personalized emails and messages to address potential buyers and tenants individually. Mention specific properties of the properties that could be of interest to the respective customer.
  • Virtual assistants: Use chatbots and virtual assistants to provide 24/7 assistance and answer common questions. They can provide personalized recommendations based on the user's preferences.
  • Interactive experiences: Provide interactive tools such as 3D tours, VR experiences, and augmented reality to give customers an immersive and personalized sightseeing experience.

Case studies and success stories

Successful implementation of personalization and improved customer experience is demonstrated by some leading companies in the real estate sector:

  • Example 1: A real estate agent in Zurich uses a CRM system to create detailed customer profiles and send customized email campaigns. As a result, the engagement rate was increased by 30%.
  • Example 2: A construction company in Geneva offers its customers VR tours of planned residential projects. Customers can virtually enter their future homes and make individual adjustments, which increased sales figures by 25%.
  • Example 3: A real estate agency in Basel uses chatbots on its website to serve potential buyers around the clock. This has significantly improved customer satisfaction and the number of qualified leads.


Personalization and an outstanding customer experience are key components in modern real estate marketing. By using data analysis, personalized content and innovative technologies, you can increase customer satisfaction and increase your sales and rental figures. By responding to the individual needs of your customers and offering them tailored experiences, you position your company as a customer-oriented market leader.

Trend 5: Big data and analytics

In real estate marketing, the use of big data and analytics is becoming increasingly important. These technologies make it possible to collect, analyze, and turn large amounts of data into actionable insights that can significantly improve marketing strategies.

The power of big data

Big data refers to the huge amounts of data that are generated every day. For the real estate sector, this means:

  • Analyze customer behavior: By analyzing online search queries, website interactions, and social media activities, patterns in customer behavior can be identified.
  • Identify market trends: Historical and current data help identify market trends and predict future developments.
  • Audience segmentation: Data enables precise segmentation of target groups according to demographic characteristics, interests and buying behavior.

areas of application

Big data and analytics can be used in various areas of real estate marketing:

  • Pricing: By analyzing market data, real estate prices can be optimized and adjusted to current market conditions.
  • Site analysis: Data on population growth, infrastructure development and local economies can be used to identify the best locations for new projects.
  • Campaign optimization: Analytics tools help monitor the performance of marketing campaigns in real time and make adjustments to maximize effectiveness.

Tools and technologies

To take full advantage of big data and analytics, real estate companies should use the right tools and technologies:

  • CRM systems: These systems collect and manage customer data, enable personalized communication, and provide insights into customer behavior.
  • Data analytics platforms: Platforms such as Google Analytics, Tableau or Power BI help visualize data and make well-founded decisions.
  • AI-powered tools: Artificial intelligence (AI) can help identify patterns in big data sets and make predictions that human analysts might miss.

Case studies
  • Case study 1: A real estate company in Lausanne used big data analyses to identify the best locations for new office buildings. By taking factors such as transport connections, competition density and rental price development into account, they were able to increase the rental rate by 20%.
  • Case study 2: A real estate agency in Geneva used AI-powered analytics to develop personalized marketing campaigns. This resulted in a 15% increase in conversion rate and a 10% reduction in marketing costs.


Big data and analytics are revolutionizing real estate marketing. By using these technologies, companies can gain deeper insights into market trends and customer behavior, optimize their marketing strategies, and ultimately improve their business results. Investing in the right tools and training the team to use data analytics are crucial steps to get the full benefit of big data.

Trend 6: Sustainability and Green Marketing

Sustainability and green marketing are becoming increasingly important in the real estate sector. With increasing concerns about climate change and pollution, more and more clients are looking for environmentally friendly and sustainable properties. In this section, we look at why sustainability is so important in real estate marketing and which strategies you can use to communicate your sustainable practices.

Importance of sustainability in the real estate sector

Sustainability means more than just using environmentally friendly materials. It comprises:

  • energy efficiency: Buildings that use less energy and use alternative energy sources.
  • Conservation of resources: Using sustainable materials and recycling construction waste.
  • Healthy indoor climate: Use of materials and technologies that promote a healthy living environment.

Benefits of green marketing

Through green marketing, real estate companies can not only protect the environment, but also achieve various business benefits:

  • Competitive advantage: Eco-friendly properties are attractive to a growing number of buyers and tenants, giving you an advantage over the competition.
  • Brand image: Through sustainable practices and green marketing, you can position your company as responsible and future-oriented.
  • Cost savings: Sustainable buildings are often more energy efficient, which leads to long-term cost savings for residents and makes these properties more attractive.

Green marketing strategies

To effectively communicate your sustainability efforts, use the following strategies:

  • Transparency: Tell your customers about the sustainable measures you're taking. This can be done through detailed information on your website, in brochures, and during viewing appointments.
  • Certifications: Obtain and communicate recognized environmental certifications such as LEED or Minergie. These certificates are proof of your sustainability efforts and create trust with potential customers.
  • Content marketing: Create blog posts, videos, and social media posts that highlight your sustainable practices and the benefits of green real estate.
  • Partnerships: Collaborate with environmental organizations and other sustainable companies to increase your credibility and expand your reach.

Examples of successful sustainability initiatives
  • Example 1: A construction company in Zurich has developed a residential project that relies entirely on renewable energy. By using solar cells and heat pumps, they were not only able to reduce operating costs, but also create a strong selling point.
  • Example 2: A real estate agency in Bern has signed a partnership with a local environmental organization to invest a portion of the proceeds in reforestation projects with every property sale. This strengthened their brand image and attracted environmentally conscious customers.


Sustainability and green marketing are not just trends, but a necessity for the future of the real estate sector. By integrating sustainable practices into your business strategy and communicating effectively, you can position yourself as a leader in green real estate. Not only does this help the environment, but it also improves your brand image and business results.

Trend 7: Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing has become an indispensable part of modern real estate marketing strategies. With the increasing use of smartphones and tablets, more and more potential buyers and tenants are looking for properties via mobile devices. It is therefore crucial to optimize your marketing measures for mobile devices.

Importance of mobile marketing

Mobile use has fundamentally changed the way people consume information and make decisions. For the real estate industry, this means that a mobile-optimized presence is not just an advantage, but a necessity. A user-friendly mobile experience can make the difference between a closed deal and a lost lead.

Mobile-optimized websites and apps

A mobile-optimized website is the first step to ensure that your real estate listings are accessible and attractive on the go. Important aspects here include:

  • Responsive design: Your website should automatically adjust to the screen size of each device.
  • Quick load times: Mobile users expect fast load times. Optimize images and content to minimize load times
  • Easy navigation: Intuitive and easy navigation improves the user experience and helps users quickly find the information they need.

In addition to a mobile website, specialized real estate apps can offer additional benefits:

  • Push notifications: Keep your users up to date with current offers and important information.
  • Personalized search: Offer features that allow users to filter and save their searches based on individual criteria.
  • Virtual tours: Integrate VR and AR features to deliver interactive and immersive experiences.

Mobile advertising

Mobile advertising offers a variety of ways to reach your target audience directly on their preferred devices. Effective strategies include:

  • Social media ads: Use mobile ads on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to target potential customers.
  • Search engine advertising: Run mobile search ads on Google to target users who are actively searching for properties.
  • Geo targeting: Use location-based advertising to target users in specific geographic areas.

Best practices for mobile marketing

To get the most out of your mobile marketing efforts, follow these best practices:

  • Optimization for local search: Make sure your content is optimized for local searches to increase visibility among users in your area.
  • User-friendly forms: Keep contact and signup forms short and simple to maximize conversion rates.
  • Mobile analytics: Use analytics tools to monitor mobile users' behavior and continuously improve your strategies.

Trend 8: Video Marketing

Video marketing has become one of the most powerful tools in real estate marketing. Videos offer a dynamic and engaging way to present properties and inspire potential buyers and tenants. In this section, you'll learn how to effectively integrate video into your marketing strategy.

Benefits of video marketing

Videos can arouse emotions and convey complex information in a simple and visually appealing way. Some of the key benefits of video marketing include:

  • Visual appeal: Videos show real estate in motion, which gives a better sense of space and atmosphere.
  • Increased commitment: Users spend more time with video content, which results in higher engagement rates.
  • Better range: Videos are shared more frequently and can be shared on various platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.
  • SEO benefits: Search engines prefer video content, which results in a better ranking in search results.

Types of videos in real estate marketing

There are different types of videos that you can use for your real estate marketing:

  • Real estate tours: Virtual tours of the property that give potential buyers a comprehensive insight.
  • Drone footage: Aerial photos that impressively depict the location and surroundings of the property.
  • Customer testimonials: Videos of happy customers who share their experiences and build trust.
  • Market reports: Informative videos that explain current market developments and trends.

Video marketing platforms

To get maximum reach, you should publish your videos on multiple platforms:

  • YouTube: The largest video platform offers tremendous reach and allows you to build your own channel.
  • Facebook: Videos on Facebook reach a wide audience and can be distributed even more effectively through targeted advertising.
  • Instagram: Particularly suitable for short, visually appealing videos and stories.
  • LinkedIn: Ideal for professional and informative videos aimed at a B2B audience.

Best practices for video marketing

To take full advantage of the potential of video marketing, here are a few best practices to consider:

  • High quality: Invest in high-quality equipment and professional editing to make sure your videos look professional and engaging.
  • Storytelling: Tell a compelling story that appeals to viewers emotionally and sparks interest in the property.
  • optimization: Optimize your videos for search engines by using relevant keywords in the title, description, and tags.
  • Call to action: Include clear calls to action to encourage viewers to get in touch or arrange a viewing.

Best practices and success stories

Best practices in real estate marketing

To get the best results in real estate marketing, you should use proven methods and strategies. Here are some of the best practices that can help you optimize your marketing efforts and achieve your goals:

1. Multi-channel marketing

  • Use a variety of channels to reach your target audience, including social media, email marketing, search advertising, and traditional media.
  • Integrate your marketing messages across all channels to ensure consistent and coherent communication.

2. Content strategy

  • Create valuable and relevant content that is tailored to the needs and interests of your target audience.
  • Use various formats, such as blog posts, videos, infographics, and ebooks, to make your content diverse and engaging.

3. Data-driven decisions

  • Use analytics tools to understand your audience's behavior and preferences.
  • Make well-founded decisions based on data and adjust your marketing strategies accordingly.

4. Personalization

  • Tailor your marketing messages to the individual needs and interests of your customers.
  • Use personalization technologies to create personalized emails, ads, and content.

5. Interactive and immersive experiences

  • Offer interactive experiences such as virtual tours, 3D visualizations, and augmented reality to increase the interest and engagement of your audience.
  • Use innovative technologies to create an immersive and engaging user experience.

Success stories

To illustrate what effective real estate marketing strategies look like in practice, here are a few success stories from companies that have successfully implemented best practices:

1st project developer from Zurich

  • challenge: A project developer in Zurich wanted to market a new luxury residential project.
  • solution: They relied on a comprehensive multi-channel marketing strategy, including high-quality 3D visualizations, targeted social media campaigns, and personalized email marketing.
  • Outcome: Within three months, 80% of the available apartments were sold, which is due to the targeted and appealing marketing strategy.

2nd real estate agency in Geneva

  • challenge: A real estate agency in Geneva wanted to increase its market presence and generate more qualified leads.
  • solution: The agency used data-driven analyses to better understand the interests and needs of its target group. They created tailored content and relied on personalized ads and email campaigns.
  • Outcome: The agency saw a 50% increase in leads and a higher conversion rate, thanks to the data-driven and personalized marketing strategy.

3rd construction company in Basel

  • challenge: A construction company in Basel wanted to advertise a sustainable residential project and appeal to environmentally conscious buyers.
  • solution: They focused on green marketing by highlighting the sustainable aspects of the project and entering into partnerships with environmental organizations. They also used VR tours to present the project in an immersive way.
  • Outcome: The project received great attention and positive feedback, and 70% of the apartments were sold within six months.

Applying best practices and learning from successful case studies are critical to being successful in real estate marketing. With a well-thought-out multichannel strategy, data-driven decisions, personalization, and innovative technologies, you can achieve your marketing goals and assert yourself in a competitive market.

Conclusion and outlook

Real estate marketing is constantly evolving, and the year 2024 brings with it numerous exciting opportunities. The best strategies include a combination of proven methods and innovative technologies. By integrating digital marketing, 3D visualizations, virtual reality, social media, personalization, big data, sustainability, and mobile marketing, real estate companies can significantly expand their reach, increase target audience engagement and maximize their sales figures.

Effective digital marketing relies on search engine optimization, content marketing, and pay-per-click advertising to reach potential buyers and tenants. 3D visualizations and virtual reality offer immersive experiences that spark interest in real estate and enable potential buyers to better understand the properties on offer. Social media marketing plays a central role in interacting with the target audience and distributing content, while personalization improves customer experience and strengthens customer loyalty.

Big data and analytics provide deep insights into market trends and customer behavior, which can be used to make data-driven decisions and optimize marketing campaigns. Sustainability and green marketing are becoming increasingly important as environmentally conscious buyers look for environmentally friendly properties. Mobile marketing ensures that your content and offers are accessible on all devices and that the user experience is optimized. Finally, video marketing offers a dynamic way to present real estate in an appealing way and increase reach.

A look into the future shows that the real estate sector will continue to be characterized by technological advances and changing customer requirements. Real estate companies that are willing to invest in innovative marketing strategies and adapt to the latest trends will be able to successfully compete. By continuously improving and adapting to market conditions, you can ensure that your real estate marketing strategy is not only effective but also future-proof.