Above the Fold

Above the Fold means the visible area of a web page that is displayed without scrolling. Crucial for user attention and immediate information.

Above the Fold

What does “above the fold” mean?

The term “above the fold” originally comes from the newspaper industry and refers to the upper part of a newspaper that is visible when it is folded. In web design, “above the fold” refers to the visible area of a web page that is visible without scrolling.

Historical background of the term

“Above the Fold” has its roots in print, where it was used to highlight the most important content of a newspaper. This area was crucial to attract readers' attention and persuade them to buy the newspaper.

Meaning of “above the fold” in web design

In web design, “above the fold” refers to the part of a website that visitors immediately see without scrolling. This area is crucial for attracting users' attention and conveying important information quickly.

Which elements should be placed “above the fold”?

Key elements that should be placed “above the fold” include:

  • Headline and subtitle
  • Important CTAs (call-to-actions)
  • Logo and navigation menu
  • Main images or visual content

How does “Above the Fold” influence user behavior?

The “Above the Fold” area has a significant impact on user behavior:

  • Users often decide within seconds whether to stay on or leave the website based on what they see in the “Above the Fold” area
  • A clear and appealing “above the fold” area can win users' trust and motivate them to keep scrolling and consume more content
  • Placing important information and CTAs “above the fold” can increase the likelihood that users will notice and respond to it